



Soul Vellorei

Description: Seele Vollerei is an orphaned girl in Cocolia’s Orphanage. But the tragic event in her past made that she was gone forever, until then she returned like a mysterious butterfly. How is this related to the challenge though? You figure out for youself.

Solution: open that pdf in word and search for OSCTF Whole document and found text OSCTF{V3l10n4_1s_Gr43t} behind the image of Vollerei

Image showing Soul Vellorei


Vietnam Tourist 1

Vietnam Tourist Mausoleum
Vietnam Tourist 1

Description: What a Mausoleum! It’s Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum or in Vietnamese is Lăng chủ tịch Hồ Chí Minh. My tourist travel guide ask me some history questions, one of them is when was he born ? Would you mind finding the answer for me ?

Flag format: OSCTF{dd-mm-yyyy}

Solution: I using chatgpt for that and got it flag

Flag: OSCTF{19-05-1890}

The statue is being repaired

Self-Made Man statue at FPT University
Self-Made Man Statue

Description: This statue is typical of an university, can you find out the name of the statue and the city where it exists?

Format flag: OSCTF{name of statue_city}

If the name of the statue is Statue of Liberty at New York, US, the flag will be: OSCTF{statueofliberty_newyork}

Solution: search for statue at FPT University and got it name selfmademan

Flag: OSCTF{selfmademan_hochiminh}